What does it mean to monitor air quality at scale? What are some of the human-computer interface design challenges to be solved to enable citizen scientists to confidently monitor their local air quality? What other impacts does scale have in designing data-intensive air quality monitoring experiences for consumers? Especially when many thousands of sensors are located across six continents? This talk will describe UX work to develop Local Haze, an air quality monitoring product for citizen scientists and air quality enthusiasts. In addition, this talk will cover challenges in getting a new product to market while placing “ease of use” at the core of a product offering.
Karen Donoghue is a seasoned interaction designer with her own global consulting practice, called HumanLogic. She collaborates with product leaders on discovery, conducts ideation for concept development, and performs requirements validation. Clients include Google, VMware, T-Mobile, SecurityScorecard, Beyond Identity, Olympus, Imprivata and many early-stage startups.
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