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Start Well, End Well: Using Sprint Zero

  • 08 Dec 2009
  • 7:00 PM
  • Bahen Room 1210 (main floor)
Date: Tuesday December 8, 2009
Time: Refreshments/Registration starts 6:45pm; presentation starts at 7pm
Location: Bahen Room 1210 (main floor)
         40 St. George Street
Cost: Free for ToRCHI members & students, $5 for guests, $20/one year membership (join now

One of the main complaints that user experience practitioners have with agile development is the feeling that there is no big picture to work towards. This causes problems with prioritization, over or under designing, and wasted work. A solution to this problem is having a Sprint Zero before coding starts. In Sprint Zero the team defines product vision, sets overall goals and roughly plans out future sprints. The existence of a Sprint Zero is a strong predictor of success and satisfaction on an agile project. This talk outlines what does and does not get done in Sprint Zero in order to have a successful launch of the development stage of your project.

Lynn Miller is the leader of the User Experience team at Autodesk Canada where she oversees a group of Interaction and Graphic Designers who create innovative interfaces for complex 3D graphics applications. A UX practitioner for over 18 years, she is responsible for founding the team and bringing User Centered Design into the company. She has been a strong proponent of Agile development since being introduced to it in 2002 and has been successful at modifying interaction design to work seamlessly with it.
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